
Potential for New Blood Test for Alzheimer’s

With the Alzheimer’s Association preparing to release new guidelines for diagnosing the degenerative brain disease ever earlier in a patient’s lifetime, the race is on to find new and simpler ways of testing for the disorder. …

Looking younger may mean living longer

Informally, it’s a measure medical professionals have been using for centuries—if an adult patient looks “old for his age,” that’s generally considered a sign of poor health. A new study published in the British Medical Journal put that folk wisdom to the test, in a study of more than 1,800 twins ages 70 and older. As part of the

Fitness fades with age, more so after 45

Watch out for that mid-life speed bump—turns out age 45 is a doozy. A report published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine upends conventional wisdom about fitness and aging.

Until now, most experts thought people’s fitness levels declined in a linear fashion as they aged. But the new report suggests the downward march …

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