blood test

Potential for New Blood Test for Alzheimer’s

With the Alzheimer’s Association preparing to release new guidelines for diagnosing the degenerative brain disease ever earlier in a patient’s lifetime, the race is on to find new and simpler ways of testing for the disorder. …

A test to predict menopause?

It’s a discovery that could be even more revolutionary than the Pill: a blood test that can predict decades in advance when women will hit menopause.

Doctors in Israel report a preliminary study that could someday help create such a test; the research will be presented on Monday at a European fertility conference in Rome, the AP …

A Blood Test for Cancer?

Any cancer doctor will tell you that the earlier you pick up a tumor, the better your chances are of treating it and getting it under control.

So researchers at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago are announcing some welcome news on that front. Scientists at the biotechnology company Chronix …

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