O.K., granted, your smartphone’s signal might be increasing your risk of cancer, but if you download the right apps, your digital device can also be a health advantage. Healthland picked the 10 best wellness-inspiring apps for the iPhone — but keep in mind that many of these are also available for Android, Blackberry and other platforms.
Want Good Health? There Are 10 Apps for That
This suite of iPhone apps from Airstrip Technologies allows doctors to check real-time patient records and vital data from afar. The suite includes specific tracking programs for OB/GYNs, cardiologists, critical-care doctors and lab and imaging researchers. So if you go into labor while your doctor's at a dinner party, he can monitor your contractions on the car ride over. If you have a heart attack while your cardiologist is in Maui, she can call in and advise the attending while they both check out your charts. Cost: FREE (hospital installation not included)