As Healthland reported on Monday, a new study showed that baby boomers in America may be having a lot of sex, but they’re doing it a lot less responsibly than teenagers. The study went on to reveal a lot more about American sexuality than that.
5 Little-Known Truths About American Sex Lives
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Single people used condoms in one-third of all encounters of vaginal sex. Condom use was, surprisingly, highest among teens: 14-to-17-year-old boys used condoms during 80% of the last 10 times they had sex, and girls the same age reported using condoms during 58% of their last 10 times. Racial differences were also noteworthy: 33% of black men and 37% of Hispanic men reported using condoms the last time they had sex, compared with 22% of white men. Black women also reported relatively higher rates of condom use: 36% of black women used a condom the last time they had sex, compared with 20% of white women. And in direct contrast to a commonly reported complaint regarding condoms, the study found:
Adults using a condom for intercourse were just as likely to rate the sexual event positively in terms of arousal, pleasure and orgasm than when having intercourse without one.It's no surprise that condom use was studied extensively — the studies were financed by Trojan condom manufacturer, Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Next: Lots of People Try Batting for the Other Team