As Healthland reported on Monday, a new study showed that baby boomers in America may be having a lot of sex, but they’re doing it a lot less responsibly than teenagers. The study went on to reveal a lot more about American sexuality than that.
5 Little-Known Truths About American Sex Lives
As Healthland reported on Monday, a new study showed that baby boomers in America may be having a lot of sex, but they're doing it a lot less responsibly than teenagers. The study went on to reveal a lot more about American sexuality than that. For the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) — which examined everything from condom use to homosexual behavior to orgasm rates — researchers from Indiana University surveyed a random, cross-sectional and population-based sample of 14-to-94-year-olds across the United States. It was the most comprehensive survey of its kind in nearly two decades and the first to include teenagers. "People are often curious about others' sex lives," said Debby Herbenick, associate director of Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion and a study author, in a statement. "Our data provide answers to these common sex questions and demonstrate how sex has changed in the nearly 20 years since the last study of its kind." You can read the full findings in a series of studies published in a special issue of The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Next: Teens Have Safer Sex Than We Think