Kirk Kerkorian agreed on Oct. 22 to pay $100,000 month in child support, which sounds like a lot, although it’s not even $140 an hour. While Kerkorian is—forgive the business jargon—feculently, filthily rich, that’s still a pretty big childcare outlay to look after one 12-year-old, especially one he didn’t technically father. And it’s not all. According to a document obtained by TMZ, the billionaire also agreed to pay more than $10 million in back child support. The settlement came more than eight years after Kirk and Lisa were married for one month, a union that has had all the drama and pathos of a movie made by MGM, which coincidentally, Kerkorian used to own. (More on 5 Pregnancy Taboos Explained (or Debunked))
The May-December romance of the tennis pro Lisa Bonder and Las Vegas mogul Kerkorian culminated in a whirlwind 28-day marriage concocted entirely to legitimize Kira. But in a heartrending twist, it transpired that, unbeknownst to the youngster, she actually sprang from the loins of another rich movie mogul type, Stephen Bing.
Throw in the scandal involving Kerkorian’s divorce lawyers employing the services of now-imprisoned Hollywood private detective Anthony Pellicano, convicted of illegal wiretapping, to try to get the upper hand over Bonder Kerkorian’s legal team. Cue Kerkorian’s denial of any knowledge of such malfeasance. All this story needs is a car chase and an overturned fruit cart and it’s option-ready. (More on Photos: Pregnant Belly Art)
The tidy sum will put a stop to a lawsuit Bonder Kerkorian had brought against her former husband, for more child support. Her father will continue to pay, according the Associated Press, until “Kira turns 19 or until she graduates from high school, no longer is a full-time student or no longer is living with her mother full-time. After that, the settlement says, the child support will be reduced to $50,000 a month.”
The child support is intended to cover all Kira’s needs except, of course, medical expenses not covered by insurance, of which Kerkorian will pay half. Hopefully, that will be enough for Kira to be able to afford almost all the psychotherapy she might conceivably need.
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