January is the month in which magazines and newspapers tell us how to change our unhealthy ways. That’s not news. What is headline-worthy is that Americans seem to be taking the advice. Indeed, as it turns out, we may not be the overeating, sedentary puddings we think we are.
4 Ways Americans Are Healthier Already
Though 20.6% of Americans still smoke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anyone following the tobacco industry knows that, overall, cigarette manufacturers are hurting. Until 2008, when the economy took a turn for the worse, smoking rates were declining each year. Stress-induced smoking brought those numbers up again slightly, but revenue has remained steady since 2005 at about $46.9 billion. While that news is pretty good, nearly $46.9 billion is still a lot of jack. And with 30% of people below the poverty line smoking, according to the CDC, smoking cessation efforts are still essential. Next: Fast Food Growth Slows SPECIAL REPORT: See Healthland's Full Guide to Life in 2011