January is the month in which magazines and newspapers tell us how to change our unhealthy ways. That’s not news. What is headline-worthy is that Americans seem to be taking the advice. Indeed, as it turns out, we may not be the overeating, sedentary puddings we think we are.
4 Ways Americans Are Healthier Already
Sri Maiava Rusden / Getty Images
January is the month in which magazines and newspapers tell us how to change our unhealthy ways. That's not news. What is headline-worthy is that Americans seem to be taking the advice. Indeed, as it turns out, we may not be the overeating, sedentary puddings we think we are. Using data from the U.S. Census North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), SEC reports and information gathered from national industry associations, policy analysts from IBISWorld found that we're going to the gym, frequenting farmers markets and staying away from cigarettes in ever-increasing numbers. Next: Gym Memberships Are On the Rise SPECIAL REPORT: See Healthland's Full Guide to Life in 2011