Aphrodisiacs have been used by every culture from the ancient Persians to the Aztecs to boost sexual desire. But do these supposed love potions really work? Scientific evidence suggests it’s the placebo effect that accounts for most of the libido-lifting powers of your typical aphrodisiac, but some of these foods, drinks, herbs, spices and scents may actually contribute to physical arousal in a variety of ways. Read on for the lowdown on five popular sex enhancers.
Do They Work? 5 Popular Aphrodisiacs
The Mayans worshiped the cacao tree and called chocolate the "food of the gods." And legend has it that Aztec leader Montezuma drank 50 cups of melted chocolate a day because he believed it would enhance his sexual abilities. By now, this sweet treat has become almost synonymous with love — or at least with sex: kinky chocolate gifts like chocolate body paint are always popular in sex shops. Its link with romance and seduction is so ingrained in our culture that it might not even matter if chocolate had no passion-enhancing effects at all. The good news is that all this lore may have at least a little scientific proof: some research (and legions of chocoholics) suggests that chocolate can improve overall mood and relieve stress. Dark chocolate also contains certain mood-lifting compounds like phenylethylamine, which boost serotonin, and caffeine, which gives you a happy kick. And that may in turn help put you in the mood. Next: Seductive Scents More on Time.com: 5 Little Known Truths About American Sex Lives