Jack White and Karen Elson in happier days (really) a year ago.
Jack White, he of the pale face and White Stripes, and Karen Elson, she of the long legs and shaved eyebrows, are splitting after six years of marriage. We know this, because they’re celebrating it in advance with a party. (We hope their immediate families found out another way.)
The invitation to their anniversary/divorce fiesta almost looks like an some kind of arch joke: “Please help us celebrate the making and breaking of the sacred union of marriage with our best friends and animals.” But the couple released a statement that confirmed their intention to be put asunder, New York Magazine reported.
White has made it something of a policy to have almost freakishly peaceable divorces. He continued performing with his first wife Meg White of the White Stripes after they split, even trying to persuade the press that they were siblings.
Since marrying White, Elson has been doing less modeling in favor of raising their two kids in Nashville and pursuing a musical career. The two got married in Brazil, in a canoe on the Amazon, by a Shaman. A Catholic priest blessed the union just to be doubly safe.
But, alas, even as ecumenical a nuptial crew as that couldn’t keep the divorce voodoo off yet another rock star-model coupling. It’s sad for the kids — little Scarlett and Henry Lee — but we can at least look forward to seeing how agreeably White’s future marriages end.