This week we talk about the lasting physical and mental-health effects of Sept. 11, 2001 — not just for New Yorkers but everyone who lived through the attacks. Click the play button below to listen immediately, or you can download this podcast at iTunes and play it on your mobile device. You can also subscribe to this podcast for free here.
We discussed, at some length, the latest research on 9/11 health effects, including the most recent report of the World Trade Center Health Registry, which will open here as a PDF.
John (@JohnAshleyCloud) also mentioned the excellent Edwidge Danticat piece from this week’s New Yorker on the “jumpers,” those who were either thrown from the top floors of the trade center by the fireball or jumped voluntarily to avoid it. And John discussed his 2002 profile of Genelle Guzman-McMillan, the last survivor to be saved from the trade center pile. She is now a regular on the Christian circuit. Here’s a recent 700 Club video that features her.
In our Field Notes, Sora (@sora_song) discussed Maia Szalavitz’s new piece on a study that suggests pot smoking can make you thin. John recommended the blog kept by science reporter Robert Krulwich, who wrote this week about why hotels fashion toilet paper into little folded designs for new guests. And Belinda (@youseless) talked about her new story on whether maternity leave should be granted to mothers whose babies were born to surrogates.
See you next week!