Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietitian and author of The Flexitarian Diet, starts her day with sprouted grain toast with almond butter, sliced apples and coffee.
What’s sprouted grain bread, you ask? The name refers to how the bread is prepared: grains are soaked in water and allowed to “sprout” before they are added to other ingredients. It’s harder to find than standard bread, but you can usually get it at grocery stores that specialize in organic foods like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s.
“Sprouted grain toast has more absorbable minerals than standard whole grain bread,” says Blatner. “The almond butter gives healthy fat and protein while the sliced apple adds wholesome nutrition and volume for fullness. It’s a good source of fiber and other disease-fighting plant compounds. The coffee in moderation offers mental morning clarity.”
Blatner recommends about 16 ounces a day of coffee to decrease the risk of diseases like diabetes and dementia. Studies have also found that coffee drinkers may be less depressed and have a lower risk of cancer, including fatal prostate cancer, and a smaller chance of stroke.