If you’re looking for a true stinker of a campaign slogan, you couldn’t do much better than “Vote for me, I’ll raise your taxes!” (Don’t believe it? Ask Walter Mondale. It ain’t easy to lose 49 states.) But suppose you changed …
If there’s one great truth of political debate, it’s this: when noise trumps knowledge, someone’s going to get hurt.
Pity the poor psychopathic criminal. O.K., pity might be a strong word, but cut them a little slack. A new study in the journal Psychological Science shows that one of the reasons for their characteristic badness to the bone is …
In its own deadly way, the 1918 flu pandemic is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s hard to say anything good about a global scourge that claimed 50 million lives, but a new article published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases …
Global warming is a hoax! Climate change, like autism, is actually caused by vaccines, typically administered by Apollo astronauts who didn’t really land on the moon. Oh, and President Obama was born in Kenya. These, at least, …
Your brain is a busy place. How busy? Consider that everyday, 100 billion neurons punch in for work and they’re all linked to one another in trillions upon trillions of ways.
Breaking news! Nervous people smoke more than other people. More breaking news: they also find it harder to quit. Those may not be the kinds of insights that get the attention of the Nobel committee, but a new study in the …
Little minds can be very complicated minds. The mere fact that you’re young — even extremely young — does not mean that you don’t experience a world of complex feelings and thoughts. That’s one reason so many U.S. kids — …
There are toxins, and then there are toxins. If you’ve had bypass surgery, the powerful margatoxin — courtesy of the scorpion — might one day save your life. But don’t go hunting for the little critters yet — not until …
No one ever pretended that shopping for anything is a rational experience. If it were, would there be Fluffernutter? Laceless sneakers? Porkpie hats? Would the Chia Pet even exist? To the list of ridiculous reasons we often buy …
The last time I went under the knife was not a particularly ennobling experience. It wasn’t just the hospital gown or the hair net or the fashionable paper slippers — the classic pre-surgical ensemble — I was wearing, it was …
At last it can be confirmed: The fact that you haven’t been able to lose weight is actually … your doctor’s fault. Sort of.