Just by increasing their physical activity, people with type 2 diabetes can lose fat that accumulates in the liver and abdomen and lower their risk of heart problems.
Q&A: World’s Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder
National Senior Health and Fitness Day was celebrated Thursday by aging gym rats everywhere. To mark the occasion, Healthland spoke with the world’s oldest performing female bodybuilder, Ernestine Shepherd.
At nearly 77 years …
Not Overweight? You’re Not Welcome at this Gym
If you live in Chicago or Dallas and have a few pounds to lose, you might spot Downsize Fitness and think you’ll give this new gym a try. Forget it. This is a club that won’t take you as a member—unless you have at least …
The Latest Tool for Tracking Obesity? Facebook Likes
Obesity is a big problem that needs big solutions, and Facebook may be coming to the rescue.
Timing Matters To Make Diet and Exercise Changes Last
When it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes, which should come first — changing your diet or becoming more physically active?
Working Too Hard? Physically Demanding Jobs Tied to Higher Risk of Heart Disease
While physical activity can lower the risk of heart disease, two studies suggest that jobs involving hard manual labor may harm, rather than help the heart.
Brain Exercises Better than Drugs in Preventing Cognitive Decline
With an aging population, rates of dementia will only climb, yet doctors have few effective strategies for addressing the worst symptoms.
Lifting Weights Can Control Blood Sugar
The latest study finds an intriguing connection between weight-bearing exercises and a lower risk of diabetes.
Why Stretching May Not Help Before Exercise
To stretch or not to stretch? The latest understanding of preworkout routines may have you rethinking yours.
Walk, or Run, to Lower Heart Disease Risk: Benefits Are Similar
A brisk walk may be just as good as a run for keeping the the heart healthy.
Is Self-Help the Secret to Reducing Childhood Obesity?
There is no shortage of strategies to lose weight, but which work best for children?
Kids Who Exercise Are Less Likely to Have Fractures in Old Age
It turns out that strengthening bone to avoid fractures starts at a very young age.
How a Healthy Heart Can Lower Risk of Cancer
Hearts and tumors may actually share more in common than we think.