Chocolate milk and leafy greens are fueling the players in their quest for gold
Turning Individual Athletes Into Team Players
How do competitors who train their entire careers to look out for number one adjust to relying on others to get the gold?
Super Bowl and Super Fans: Why We Care So Much
More research shows that the Big Game is big deal for many — for better or worse.
Take That! Athletes’ Victory Stances Are All About Dominance, Not Pride
Every time an athlete triumphs over another, his first instinct is to do a victory dance.
Tennis’ Plan To Draw Kids to the Court: It’s Working
NFL Settles Concussion Suit: Is It a Win For Player Health?
On Thursday, the NFL settled a lawsuit for $765 million with more than 4,500 former players over allegedly hiding known concussion risks .
Little League’s Big Headaches: Helicopter Coaches
You’re asked a lot of questions when you’re an assistant coach for your son’s Little League team, as I was for two years, but with a new season underway I’m reminded that the two I heard most often last year were also the …
Kevin Ware’s Awful Break: How Could It Happen?
By all accounts, it was a freak accident that shattered Louisville Cardinal Kevin Ware’s lower right leg in an NCAA regional championship game. But what makes young bone so vulnerable to such breaks?
What Roller Derby Can Teach Us about Our Germs
Researcher and former skater Jessica Green wanted to test how microbes are spread by contact. What better way to do so than via a sport with plenty of contact?
Study Links Stronger Necks to Fewer Concussions
A sturdy neck can protect the head from blows, according to researchers at the Colorado School of Public Health. Read about the findings on our companion blog, Keeping Score.
Schools Must Provide Sports Opportunities for Disabled Students
The U.S. Department of Education says schools must do more to ensure disabled students are participating in sports.
Promising Brain Scan to Detect Concussion Damage
Cases of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are rising among football players, but detecting the condition is challenging. Researchers now say they have a way of picking up buildup of a protein that signals the disease.
Lance Armstrong’s Confession and the Psychology of the Competitor
The fine line between competition’s drive for excellence and dangerous win-at-all-costs mentality