Squabbles over two topics in particular could be especially damaging, researchers say
It’s the Holidays. How to Handle the Inevitable Toddler Tantrums
The holidays means family, and that includes the youngest members who don’t always behave
Caregiving for an Aging Parent From Afar: Six Ways to Help
Being your parent’s caregiver can be difficult, especially when Mom and Dad live far away.
Did Attachment Parenting Contribute to Mayim Bialik’s Divorce?
The actress says it didn’t, but we can’t help but wonder
After the Turkey, How to Cultivate Gratitude in Kids?
Gratitude is an attitude: how to cultivate it in your home
How the Gay-Marriage Victories Are (Slowly) Transforming the Notion of Family
Newly passed laws allowing gay marriage mean more children will have a broader view of what it means to be a family
What’s Making Adam Sick? A Contest to Sequence Three Kids’ Genomes
Researchers hope the contest will finally provide long-awaited answers for three ill children
Why Cheaper Genetic Testing Could Cost Us a Fortune
Dana Nieder was at a loss. Doctors had been trying to figure out what was wrong with her daughter Maya since she was 7 months old. Now 4 1/2, Maya didn’t learn to walk until long after her second birthday and still can say only …
The Trouble with My Daughter’s DNA
By the time my first child was two months old, I knew something was wrong. Amanda, who is 14 now, has low muscle tone and didn’t walk until she was almost 2 years old. Her arms have limited ability, and she has inflammatory …
A Mom Turns to Facebook for a Liver — and a Shot at Life
The internet can widen the pool of organ donors, so one woman is hoping she’ll find her liver match online
The Other Awkward Talk You Need to Have with Your Kids
Want to teach your children about money? Start by including them in some of your financial decision-making. Here’s how
Background TV: Children Exposed to Four Hours a Day
Watching too much TV is linked to harmful effects in children, but the latest research says even background TV can affect development
Stay-at-Home Parents: Six Money Secrets for Families Shifting to One Income
Tips for moms or dads who are thinking of opting out of the workplace