
The Risks of Taking a Puppy Home Too Young

Most veterinarians and dog breeders agree that puppies shouldn’t be separated from the rest of their litter for adoption before 2 months of age. A new study corroborates that advice, showing that puppies removed from their broods …

Study: Why Maternity Leave Is Important

Are working moms somehow lacking as parents compared to stay-at-home mothers? According to a new demographic analysis from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the answer is a reassuring no. The study found that …

The Case for Letting Grown Children Move Back Home

It may be time to cut those “boomerang kids” some slack. Despite the negative stereotypes of lazy millennials and their helicopter parents, it turns out that having grown children move back home isn’t such a bad thing. A new …

Should Race Play a Role in Custody Decisions?

Custody battles are an inflammatory business. Two people, already peeved enough with each other to dissolve their partnership, have to figure out who gets to look after the living, hugging product of that union. Throw in the …

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