Gentlemen, you may want to hold the bacon. A new study suggests that eating a high-fat diet may be associated with lower sperm quality.
Why a New IVF Technique Won’t Help Boost Pregnancy Rates in the U.S.
British researchers have developed an embryo-incubating system that they say improves odds of conception by 27%. But larger fertility clinics in the U.S. are already ahead of the game.
I’ll Take a Sperm Test, to Go: First At-Home Male-Infertility Test Debuts
Why should women bear the brunt of infertility testing? A new at-home sperm-analysis test allows men to assess their babymaking abilities.
Pfizer Birth Control Recall: Could Women Who Get Pregnant Sue?
If women wind up pregnant from faulty pill packets, product liability lawsuits or “wrongful pregnancy” cases — reminiscent of medical malpractice — could be filed.
Is It Selfish to Pursue Fertility Treatments Instead of Adoption?
Should infertile couples forgo their desire for biological children and turn instead to adoption?
Pfizer Recalls 1 Million Birth Control Pills
Women with recalled packets are at greater risk of pregnancy and should use back-up contraception. Is your pill on the list?
Gingrich Wants Scrutiny of IVF Clinics: Why That’s Not the Worst Idea
When IVF creates excess embryos, women are faced with a choice: store them indefinitely, donate them to others or offer them to research.
‘Sonicated’ Sperm: Could Ultrasound Be the Next Male Contraceptive?
Condoms and vasectomies are so yesterday. Researchers are working on a way to zap sperm to control male fertility.
Boy or Girl? Why Dads Want Sons, but Moms Want Daughters
Women strongly prefer daughters while men wants sons, a study finds. Could this lead to sex selection?
U.S. Birth Rates Hit Record Lows: Is It the Economy?
(Updated) Better birth control? No, it’s the bad economy. The national birth rate dropped for the third straight year, down another 3% in 2010, and experts say it’s because women fear they can’t afford the cost of kids.
The Sperm Bike: Cycling to Drum Up Sperm Donations
It’s not every day that you see a really large sperm on a really large bike. But starting next week, it’s going to become commonplace — at least in Seattle.
Is Sperm from Redheads Really Less Desirable?
Redheaded men are probably feeling a little hurt this week in light of news that one of the world’s largest sperm banks is up-to-here and has stopped accepting their gametes.
Review: Aspirin Doesn’t Increase Chances of Pregnancy With IVF
Taking aspirin during fertility treatment does not increase women’s chances of conceiving, according to a new review of the research.