Looking for a happy marriage? Don’t have kids.
Family & Parenting
The Legal Minefield When Two Mommies Split Up
A Colorado couple show how complicated custody battles between two mothers can be.
Does 16 and Pregnant Prevent or Promote Teen Pregnancy?
Two studies disagree about how reality shows affect teen pregnancy rates. But either way, we really shouldn’t be leaving our sex education to MTV.
Swedish Doctors Successfully Transplant Wombs Into 9 Women
Next step: implanting embryos
Why the Dad Has No Say in Tragic Texas Brain Death Case
A terrible dilemma over the fate of a pregnant young mother throws a harsh light on the cost of the abortion debate.
Will Looking at an Ultrasound Before an Abortion Change Your Mind?
Depends on how certain you are you want to have an abortion
A Mom’s Work-Life Dilemma: Making the Case for a Messy House
I want my house to be messier. Well, at least a little.
Why Marriage May Not Be the Answer for Low-Income Single Moms
A new study suggests that it’s pointless to try to get young mothers to marry
Sexting in Middle School Means More Sex for Preteens and Teens
Younger students are no different than their older peers when it comes to sexting, a new study reports.
Missed Opportunity for Teen Sex Ed: the Doctor’s Office
Only 4% have prolonged conversations about sexuality with their physicians
Two Days to Christmas: Why You Waited So Long to Buy Gifts
It’s not just because you’re not Martha Stewart
The Mystery of Why More Black Babies Die in Infancy than White Babies
A group of economists and an epidemiologist examined 50 million birth certificates to identify the reasons why more black babies die as infants than white babies. The upshot of their research? It’s not what you think.
Holiday Survival Guide: How to Handle Your Family’s Most Annoying (and Awkward) Questions
The holidays are the time of year to reunite with family members, and get grilled.