At least now you know
Work & Life
Scientists Invent a ‘Machine’ That Helps Women Get Promoted
Researchers reveal how women can be tricked into overcoming their anxiety around touting their own achievements, but there’s a catch
A Mom’s Work-Life Dilemma: Making the Case for a Messy House
I want my house to be messier. Well, at least a little.
Why Marriage May Not Be the Answer for Low-Income Single Moms
A new study suggests that it’s pointless to try to get young mothers to marry
Teachers Give Better Grades to More Attractive Students: Study
If you were of a mind to forgive good-looking people for their freakishly good genetic makeup because you figure you got better brains than they did, don’t. A new study suggests that people rated as more attractive are more …
Jobs Are Making Women Wait To Have Kids, But Not For the Reason You Think
A new study finds that the longer a woman temps, the less likely she is to have kids.
Before You Straighten Up Your Desk, Read This
In the dystopian future, there will only be two tribes: those with messy desks and those with orderly ones. The messy desk people will live unhealthy and inefficient lives but come up with interesting new ideas. The organized …
Shorter Work Hours Don’t Mean Happier Employees
South Korea recently implemented the Five-Day Working Policy, which makes Saturday an official non-working day and cuts weekly work hours from 44 to 40. Less work, more play, right?
How Cultural Stereotypes Lure Women Away From Careers in Science
Women may be underrepresented in science and technology not because they are less skilled in those areas or because they face specific gender barriers to entering these fields, but because they may find better opportunities elsewhere.
Viewpoint: How Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Is Building a Nursery By Her Office, and Dissing Working Moms
Is Mayer’s ban on working from home blow to working mothers?
Happy 20th Birthday: Q&A with the Women Behind the Family and Medical Leave Act
It provides workers with more rights if they have to take time off for a family or health emergency. But its creators say the act could do more.
How Scarcity Leads to Spending
Will economic uncertainty make you save more — or spend more? The answer may depend on your childhood experience, a new study suggests.
Lasting Legacy of Recessions: Behavior Problems Among Teens
Fiscal cliff negotiations tested everyone’s patience, but even young children who don’t understand national budgets may show signs of strain during such economic insecurity.