Doctors need to step up their p.r. game if they’re going to counter the anti-immunization tide, says a new Mayo Clinic study that offers talking points on how to respond to parents’ fears.
Alleged Child Pornographer Replaces Osama bin Laden on FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List
Are terrorist masterminds and child pornographers equally sinister? Eric Justin Toth is the fourth fugitive on the list who’s accused of child porn-related crimes.
No Kids Allowed: Malaysia Airlines Corrals Children Under 12 into Special Zone
Do airlines really need kid-free zones?
Tamiflu Made My Kid Hallucinate. I Think the Flu is Preferable to Delirium
My 9-year-old son took Tamiflu and became a child possessed. I’d never heard about this potential side effect, which appears to be most common in kids.
Mom’s Obesity, Diabetes Linked with Autism and Developmental Delays
New research from the University of California, Davis, finds that a woman’s weight and health during pregnancy may have significant influences on her child’s development.
Home Visits: A Powerful Weapon Against Child Abuse
Trained home visitors can improve infant mortality rates, help kids do better in school and decrease child abuse. Why U.S. moms should follow Europe’s lead and invite them into their living rooms.
Child Abuse Pediatricians Recommend Basic Parenting Classes to Reduce Maltreatment and Neglect
A new sub-specialty of doctors — child abuse pediatricians — are certified as experts in determining whether a broken bone or a bruise is accidental or intentional.
Most Parents of Overweight Kids Don’t Hear It from the Doctor
Less than a third of parents of overweight kids and just over half of parents of very obese kids are informed by their physicians. What’s the problem?
Why Are Parents Less Likely to Take Little Girls Outside to Play?
Preschool children aren’t getting enough time outdoors. Girls suffer most: they’re 16% less likely than boys to be taken outside to play by their parents.
The Agony of Forging the Perfect Summer Camp Schedule for Kids
Summer vacation may be fun for kids, but it’s a headache for working parents who need to research an encyclopedia’s worth of options for camp.
Some Assembly Required: Q&A with Anne Lamott on Grandparenting
The author says being a grandparent is liberating in a way that parenthood can’t even approach. Think of it as a bonus round, a chance to really enjoy children.
When Do Babies Stop Being So Darned Cute? Age 4 1/2, Scientists Say
The stage between preschool and kindergarten marks the point at which little kids are no longer considered unbearably adorable. Or at least that’s what the research shows
Why an Easter Egg Hunt Brought Out the Worst in Helicopter Parents
Easter egg hunts are for kids. But when pushy parents in Colorado muscled their way in and grabbed all the eggs — for their children, of course — an annual hunt was canceled.