It’s easy to blame parents when young children gain too much weight, but the latest research suggests that certain obesity risk factors are out of Mom and Dad’s control.
Never Wake a Sleeping Baby: Why Depressed Moms Don’t Follow that Advice
Researchers at Penn State found that depressed and worried moms were far more likely than other moms to rouse their babies unnecessarily in the middle of the night. Are they seeking emotional comfort?
Tamiflu Made My Kid Hallucinate. I Think the Flu is Preferable to Delirium
My 9-year-old son took Tamiflu and became a child possessed. I’d never heard about this potential side effect, which appears to be most common in kids.
Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Leaves Work at 5:30. Should You?
Facebook’s COO makes the case that there’s nothing shameful about leaving work at 5:30 p.m. every day to eat dinner with your kids. Does she get special dispensation because of her status?
Walking to School, Libraries and Markets Helps Keep Kids Slimmer
A cluster of studies relies upon geographical data-mapping to analyze the impact of neighborhood on children’s health.
What’s a Bris? L.A. Hospital Launches Workshop for Jewish Parents-to-Be
With fewer Jewish families affiliating with synagogues, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles is reaching out to would-be parents in the hospital.
Home Visits: A Powerful Weapon Against Child Abuse
Trained home visitors can improve infant mortality rates, help kids do better in school and decrease child abuse. Why U.S. moms should follow Europe’s lead and invite them into their living rooms.
Child Abuse Pediatricians Recommend Basic Parenting Classes to Reduce Maltreatment and Neglect
A new sub-specialty of doctors — child abuse pediatricians — are certified as experts in determining whether a broken bone or a bruise is accidental or intentional.
Why Are Parents Less Likely to Take Little Girls Outside to Play?
Preschool children aren’t getting enough time outdoors. Girls suffer most: they’re 16% less likely than boys to be taken outside to play by their parents.
Most Young Women with Cancer Don’t Try to Preserve their Fertility
Just 4% of women of childbearing age with cancer take steps to mitigate the risks of infertility inherent in many treatments.
The Agony of Forging the Perfect Summer Camp Schedule for Kids
Summer vacation may be fun for kids, but it’s a headache for working parents who need to research an encyclopedia’s worth of options for camp.
Why We Should Thank Vogue‘s Diet Mom
Dara-Lynn Weiss blows the lid off how difficult it is for parents with their own food issues to nourish their children.
Some Assembly Required: Q&A with Anne Lamott on Grandparenting
The author says being a grandparent is liberating in a way that parenthood can’t even approach. Think of it as a bonus round, a chance to really enjoy children.