Not all employers wish their pregnant employees well: the number of pregnancy-related discrimination charges have jumped by 35% in the past decade
Day Care: Good Care Benefits Kids 30 Years Later — And Moms Too
Moms who choose high-quality child care tend to be more involved in their children’s schools. And kids who attend high-quality day cares reap the benefits decades later.
A History of Kids and Sleep: Why They Never Get Enough
Even a century ago, children were getting less sleep than experts recommended.
Bringing Up Bébé: Are French Parents Really Superior?
Author Pamela Druckerman praises the French for imposing discipline and order on their kids. But do these high expectations come at the expense of hugs and kisses?
Why I Took My 7-Year-Old to a Tattoo Parlor
Thinking about getting your kid’s ears pierced? Why a reputable tattoo parlor may be safer than using the piercing gun at the mall.
Why Spanking Doesn’t Work
A new analysis concludes that spanking fails to alter kids’ behavior in the long term. What it does instead is amp up their aggression.
Study: Child Abuse Affects More U.S. Kids than SIDS
Parents are usually the perpetrators of abuse, largely because they are unprepared to deal with kids’ crying. How a little education could help reverse the trend.
Is It Selfish to Pursue Fertility Treatments Instead of Adoption?
Should infertile couples forgo their desire for biological children and turn instead to adoption?
Nurturing Moms May Boost Children’s Brain Growth
The next time you’re tempted to lose your cool with your kids, do your best to channel your inner peacenik: it’s good for your child’s brain.
What the U.S. Can Learn from Indonesia About Breastfeeding
Denying new mothers the right to breastfeed can land you in jail in Indonesia.
Why Parents Who Carpool Tend Not to Use Booster Seats
Most parents carpool, but many don’t require their own children — or other kids — to buckle into boosters when transporting other kids.
Growing Up: Free-Range Kids or Smother Mother?
How’s a parent to know when a child is old enough to cross the street — or, in Laura Dekker’s case, the ocean — alone?
‘The Pregnancy Project’: Why One Girl Decided to Fake Her Baby Bump
Gaby Rodriguez’s mother got pregnant for the first time at age 14. Her sisters got pregnant as teens too. Rodriguez decided to buck the trend — and get creative at the same time