My daughters have never met Arizona Governor Jan Brewer — and it’s likely they have never even heard her name. That makes sense since they’re only 9 and 11. But even at their age, they’ve become familiar with Brewer’s — and …
Did Attachment Parenting Contribute to Mayim Bialik’s Divorce?
The actress says it didn’t, but we can’t help but wonder
What Your Toddler’s Teacher Will Never Say to Your Face
After an ashamed parent flouts school sickness rules, she sets out to discover what daycare teachers really think about parents
Why Parents with Disabilities Are Losing Custody of their Kids
Laws designed to protect people with disabilities are failing to maintain the rights of disabled parents to take care of their children
The 12 Hidden College Expenses
College is expensive, but don’t forget about these additional expenses that add up fast
You’re Spoiling the Kids! When Parents Disagree on Spending
Differences in money values can cause friction when it comes to what spouses think their children need to have. Here are four ways to head those disputes off before they happen.
Why Cheaper Genetic Testing Could Cost Us a Fortune
Dana Nieder was at a loss. Doctors had been trying to figure out what was wrong with her daughter Maya since she was 7 months old. Now 4 1/2, Maya didn’t learn to walk until long after her second birthday and still can say only …
What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Your DNA
The test results were crystal clear, and still the doctors didn’t know what to do. A sick baby whose genome was analyzed at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia turned out to possess a genetic mutation that indicated …
The Trouble with My Daughter’s DNA
By the time my first child was two months old, I knew something was wrong. Amanda, who is 14 now, has low muscle tone and didn’t walk until she was almost 2 years old. Her arms have limited ability, and she has inflammatory …
Tracing the Link Between Single Moms and Gun Violence
Parsing the connection between single parents and violent crimes committed by children
You Annoyed Me at Hello: Why Kids Still Need to Learn Manners
A perplexed parent asks the Emily Post Institute how children should address adults in an age of informality
Help! Teens Are Eating My Paycheck
Got hungry teens (and their friends) parked in your kitchen? Here’s how to manage your food costs as your family changes.
More Sleep Means More Focused, Emotionally Stable Kids
How important is sleep for children? Getting too little could leave them more emotional and impulsive.