Similar areas of the brain are dedicated to recognizing voice and processing emotion
No, There’s Not a Marijuana Pet Poisoning Epidemic
Only about 0.18 percent of all animal poisoning cases involve pot
Obamacare’s Latest Critic: Your Pet
Add another group to the list of those facing higher costs under Obamacare — pets.
A New Leash on Infections: Dog That Sniffs Out a Deadly Superbug
Beagles are known as good hunters. So why not send them in search of deadly bacteria?
Back Off, Boss: Cute Kitten Videos May Improve Work Performance
The power of cuteness is deeper and more compelling than it seems
6 Ways to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Heat
A sweltering day is as unpleasant — and potentially dangerous — for dogs and cats as it is for humans. Heed these tips to keep your pets healthy and comfortable through the dog days of summer
Why Having a Dog Helps Keep Kids Asthma-Free
Are you having an allergy-free summer? You may have Fido to thank for that.
Nearly 1,000 Dogs Sickened by Jerky Treats from China
Since November, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received 900 complaints of pet illnesses and deaths from owners and vets stemming from China-made chicken jerky dog treats. See the full story on our companion blog NewsFeed.
Scientists Use Brain Scans to Peek at What Dogs Are Thinking
Is Fido really excited to see you? Or is the panting and tail wagging simply a sign that he’s anticipating a treat?