It’s about evolution; if dads aren’t around, mothers-to-be make subconscious calculations to balance their needs against those of their children.
Want a Better Relationship? There’s an App for That
Next time you see a couple at a cafe focused intently on their phones instead of each other, don’t assume their relationship is in trouble. They might actually be working out their conflicts, using well-known approaches from …
Lessons for a Good Marriage, from the Divorced Who Finally Got It Right
Divorced couples who remarry successfully can teach all couples about building stronger relationships.
The “Eligible Bachelor” List: How Quaint
Town & Country sets gender relations back a few decades with its February list of marriageable males.
Oxytocin May Forge Bonds Between Dads and Children
The latest research suggests the ‘love hormone’ could also help in treating conditions such as autism, schizophrenia and addiction that are triggered by disrupted relationships.
Why Teen Victims of Dating Violence Can’t Break the Cycle
Teens in violent relationships may become victims of aggression as adults
How Speed Dating Works—In the Brain
Dating is all about making snap judgments, and scientists have located where in the brain those decisions are made.
When Men Stop Seeking Beauty and Women Care Less About Wealth
As gender equality rises in any given society, men focus less on seeking mates with youth and beauty and women become less interested in rich, powerful men
How a Squirt of Oxytocin Could Ease Marital Spats and Boost Social Sensitivity
Oxytocin focuses our eyes — and our brains — on love. It could help troubled couples as well as autistic people
The TomKat Split: Divorce in America by the Numbers
The tabloids would have you believe that serial marriage — and divorce — is the norm, but the most recent Census figures paint a rosier picture of marriage in America
Why Clingy People Feel Colder
An icy stare may do more than just chill your heart metaphorically — it can literally change the way you perceive ambient temperature, making a room feel several degrees colder.
What Women Really Want in a Relationship
What do women want? It’s the age-old question. But a recent study offers men a clue: women are most satisfied when their partner knows they’re upset.
Does Yoga Really Drive People Wild with Desire?
Studies suggesting that the practice of yoga arouses the libido have been cited to explain why so many gurus are embroiled in sex scandals. But is that really what’s going on?