On Valentine’s Day, it’s tempting to check your wall every 10 min. to see if that cute guy from the bar last week has poked you. But a recent Psychological Science study by researchers at the University of Virginia and …
Some Scientific Evidence For Beauty Sleep
Beauty sleep, it’s widely assumed, is one of those invented phenomena that parents use to ease their children’s passage to bedtime.
Debunking the Headlines: Falling in Love in 0.2 Sec.? We Don’t Think So
An assistant professor of psychology at Syracuse University wanted to know what love looked like in the brain. So she analyzed a collection of studies that focused on imaging the brain during romantic moments. What she found was …
The Science of Dating: Wear Red
As any wedding singer or bartender can tell you, there’s a lot of really sappy songs that mention women who wear red. Turns out, there may be a reason: men are more attracted to them.