Five steps you can take now to help Mom and Dad avoid a money mess
Alternatives to the Nursing Home for Aging or Ailing Parents
In this week’s TIME cover story, available to subscribers here, journalist Joe Klein writes about managing the care of his ailing parents. Following is information about housing and care options for families facing the same long goodbye.
‘Old-Person Smell’ Really Exists, Scientists Say
Elderly people have a distinct smell, confirm researchers at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, but contrary to stereotype their scent isn’t all bad.
How Bullying and Abuse May Age Children Prematurely
A hard life can age you, literally, researchers say. In fact, children who are exposed to violence at a young age show changes in their DNA equivalent to several years of premature aging.
No Regrets! Successful Aging Means Letting Go of ‘What Ifs?’
Regretting past mistakes may help young people make better decisions in the future. But for the elderly, emotional health may mean not dwelling on things you can’t change.
Bigger Brain and Higher IQ Linked with Specific Genetic Variants
Researchers have identified two genes that affect brain size and may be linked not only to IQ, but also to our risk of developing brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.
Study: Sleep Gets Better with Age
Sleep deprived? Just wait ’til you’re 80. A new study finds that elderly folks sleep better than anyone.
Study: Zapping the Brain Boosts Memory
Put aside the crossword puzzles and push the ginkgo biloba pills to the back of the shelf. The key to better memory may lie in three letters: ERC.
Virtual Exercise Games Help Elderly Remain Mentally Sharp
Virtual games aren’t just for kids any more. Navigating virtual worlds helps grandma and grandpa stay physically and cognitively healthy.
Brain Aging: What’s Nintendo Got to Do With It?
Grandpa and grandma may be wrestling the grandkids for the Nintendo, thanks to a study showing Brain Age can improve cognitive function
Nicotine Patch May Improve Memory
How a smoking cessation treatment may be helping those with dementia
Study: Cognitive Decline Sets In as Early as Age 45
Our brains become less sharp as we age, but when does the decline actually start? You might be surprised
Clearing Away Old Cells Delays Aging in Mice
Could the effects of aging be delayed or even prevented simply by clearing the body of old cells? Scientists report in Nature that they were able to do just that in a study of mice.