Sophisticated new DNA testing can tell parents whether their babies are at increased risk of cancer, dementia and other diseases that may not strike until adulthood
Meningitis Cases Rise in Outbreak Linked to Tainted Steroid Shots
Health officials expect yet more cases of fungal meningitis related to contaminated steroid shots
Junk DNA — Not So Useless After All
Researchers report on a new revelation about the human genome: it’s full of active, functioning DNA, and it’s a lot more complex than we ever thought
Gut Bugs: How They Make You Sick or Well
Most of the time, the bacteria that lives in our gut eases digestion and boosts our immunity, but gut bugs can be harmful too. Recent research looks at a potential link between gut bugs and two very different conditions: autism …
Study: Multiple Sclerosis Drug May Not Slow Disease Progression
Interferon beta, the most commonly prescribed drug to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), did not delay progression of the disease in relapsing patients, according to a recent study.
H5N1: Bird Flu Pandemic May Be Closer than Thought, Study Finds
It may take as few as five mutations for H5N1 to go from being a bird-only problem to a potentially deadly human pandemic flu, researchers report.
Jack Osbourne’s MS: After the Diagnosis
Experts say multiple sclerosis is unpredictable, but the prognosis tends to be good for patients who are diagnosed when they are young and otherwise healthy.
The Good Bugs: How the Germs in Your Body Keep You Healthy
A consortium of scientists has set about mapping the millions of bacteria that live in and on our bodies, keeping us healthy
Why Genetic Tests Don’t Help Doctors Predict Your Risk of Disease
Your DNA may hold valuable information about your health, but current genetic tests can’t improve doctors’ ability to predict your risk of major disease.
Drug-Resistant Bacteria Discovered in 4-Million-Year-Old Cave
In pristine and ancient samples of bacteria, uncontaminated by human activity, researchers find resistance to several antibiotic treatments, both natural and man-made.
Study: Flavonoids May Help Protect Against Parkinson’s
Berries, tea, apples and red wine are all rich in a naturally occurring compound called flavonoids, and a new study finds that men who eat a diet high in these healthy compounds may have a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease.