Examining photos of skin conditions or moles often led to same conclusions as in-person consultations
Skin Cancer
Blood Test Could Show If Skin Cancer Has Spread
Procedure enables doctors to quickly check on how advanced disease is
An End to Sunburn Pain: Scientists Say It’s Possible
For sun worshipers, the sting of the sunburn is sometimes the price of bronzed skin, but it doesn’t have to be that way, according to researchers.
Wearing Sunscreen Every Day Can Make You Look Younger, Longer
Dermatologists have long prodded their patients to apply more sunscreen, claiming it not only protects against skin cancer, but aging as well. Now there’s evidence to prove it.
Skin Cancer Tied To A Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s
There’s no positive side to developing skin cancer, but the latest research ties certain forms of the disease to a reduced risk of dementia.
FDA Proposes New Tanning-Bed Warnings
If the FDA gets its way, tanning beds may soon feature labels warning young people to steer clear of the machines and their jolts of UV radiation.
Some Skin Cancer Survivors Still Use Tanning Beds
Say it isn’t so. A recent survey found that even people who have survived melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — fail to protect themselves from the sun, and even continue to tan.
Can Aspirin Keep Skin Cancer At Bay?
A Wristband that Tells You When to Get Out of the Sun
Disposable wristbands, much like the paper bracelets worn at concerts, can protect wearers from sunburn and skin-cancer risk by alerting them when to head into the shade.
6 Ways to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Heat
A sweltering day is as unpleasant — and potentially dangerous — for dogs and cats as it is for humans. Heed these tips to keep your pets healthy and comfortable through the dog days of summer
New Melanoma Drugs Beat Chemotherapy in Trials
In two large-scale trials, new drugs made by GlaxoSmithKline extended the lives of patients with advanced melanoma longer than standard chemotherapy.
Sunburn and Indoor Tanning Still Putting Young People at Risk for Skin Cancer
Half of young adults under age 30 report having had a sunburn in the previous year, and many young white women are still using tanning beds.
Caffeine and Exercise: A Protective Mix Against Skin Cancer, in Mice
A recent study finds that combining exercise and caffeine can reduce the risk of skin cancer in mice. The finding seems counterintuitive, but the researchers say the beneficial effect may ultimately have to do with weight …