Mood disorders join a long list of ailments linked to late-night exposure to artificial lighting, TVs and computer screens
A Nightmare Quiz: Just How Bad Are Your Dreams?
Everyone has nightmares, but bad dreams can indicate — or even cause — psychological problems. Take this yes-or-no quiz to see what your dreams may mean for your mental health
How Well Do You Sleep? The Answer May Depend on Your Race
Whites sleep better than Asians, who sleep better than blacks. Why?
Lack of Sleep Linked with Higher Stroke Risk
Adults who routinely get less than six hours of shut-eye a night are four times more likely to suffer a stroke, compared with people getting seven or eight hours, according to a study recently presented at the SLEEP 2012 …
Why Sleepy People Reach for Junk Food
If you’ve ever ended up at a greasy diner ravenous at 4 in the morning, this will come as no surprise: new studies find that a sleepy brain is more drawn to junk food than a well-rested one, and that it’s also less equipped to …
Can’t Sleep? You May Be Afraid of the Dark
For some adults, insomnia may be caused by a fear of the dark, finds a new study by researchers at Ryerson University in Toronto.
Sharing a Bed Makes Couples Healthier
Better sleep leads to better health, and new studies hint that the key is bedding down at night with your partner.
Going Bump in the Night: Sleepwalking Is More Common than Previously Thought
A recent study finds about 8.5 million U.S. adults wander during the night.
Is ‘Social Jet Lag’ Making You Fat?
If your sleep schedule differs between the weekends and weekdays, you’re likely experiencing what researchers call “social jet lag” and it could be making you fat.
Social jet lag, a term coined by researchers in Europe, refers …
Getting More Sleep at Night May Help You Keep Slim
Getting some extra z’s each night could dampen the effect of genes that predispose you to weight gain, a recent study from University of Washington in Seattle finds.
The Artistry of Sleep: Photos of Icons Getting Some Shut-Eye
Sleep time is not wasted time, least of all for the creative. At night, the brain is a lot more active than it seems, sometimes producing bursts of creative inspiration: music, literature, scientific insights. What follows are …
Why Shift Work and Sleeplessness Lead to Weight Gain and Diabetes
Working the night shift? Researchers now understand how night jobs — and chronic jet lag — can affect your insulin levels and your waistline.