Researchers report on an exciting new way to reprogram cells so patients might one day grown their own cells to replace diseased ones
Stem Cells
Scientists Report First Success in Cloning Human Stem Cells
It’s been 17 years since Dolly the sheep was cloned from a mammary cell. And now scientists applied the same technique to make the first embryonic-stem-cell lines from human skin cells.
Young Girl Receives Lifesaving Windpipe Transplant Made From Her Stem Cells
Hannah Warren was born without a trachea but now has one made from plastic fibers and a stew of her own stem cells.
Scientists Discover New Technique To Prevent Certain Inherited Diseases
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA can cause incurable diseases that are inheritable. Scientists have developed a new procedure to prevent this from happening.
Stem Cell Scientists Awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
In what researchers view as validation of the field, the Nobel committee on Monday recognized pioneering contributions to stem cell science by John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka
Hope for Infertility Treatments: Scientists Make New Eggs from Mouse Stem Cells
Japanese researchers have produced mouse eggs from stem cells that bred healthy offspring, a breakthrough that may one day help treat human infertility.
Scientists Restore Hearing in Animals Using Human Stem Cells
The new advance holds great promise for people with hearing loss, but scientists won’t know for years whether a similar treatment would really work in humans
A Breakthrough at Last for Spinal-Cord-Injury Research?
On Tuesday, the FDA granted approval for a first ever human trial of cellular transplant to cure paralysis
A Court Allows Payment for Bone Marrow. Should People Be Able to Sell Their Parts?
How much would it take for you to consider selling your bone marrow? A U.S. appeals court puts the price at about $3,000 in a ruling that now makes it legal to pay donors for their bone-marrow tissue.
Ovary Stem Cells Can Produce New Human Eggs, Scientists Say
Although it has long been assumed that women are born with all the eggs they will ever have in a lifetime, recent research has hinted that that might not be the case.
Stem Cells Heal Scar Damage After Heart Attack
For the first time, researchers have used stem cells from a patient’s own heart to repair the damage to the muscle that occurs during heart attack.
Early Success in a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trial to Treat Blindness
The first patients to receive human embryonic stem cell transplants say their lives have been transformed by the experimental procedure.
Cancer Patient Receives a Man-Made Windpipe
Surgeons fashion stem cells from bone marrow into a functional trachea