For now, the technique applies to quantitative thinking (doing math problems and calculating numbers) but the process could launch ways of reading other types of thoughts as well.
Statin Drugs Linked to Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that the popular cholesterol-lowering medications may cause memory loss and confusion, but long term use of the medications may reduce that risk.
iOS7 Making You Dizzy? Here’s Why–And a Fix
The Geniuses at Apple certainly anticipated complaints about the way iOS 7 looks and how it works, but they probably never anticipated this: some iPhone and iPad users are getting motion sickness and vertigo from the new operating system.
Teaching Old Brains New Tricks With a Videogame
If granny went up against her grandson in a video game, don’t necessarily bet against age.
How Financial Woes Change Your Brain (And Not for the Better)
Worrying about making ends meet, it seems, can occupy enough of the brain‘s finite thinking power that it makes it difficult to think clearly.
NFL Settles Concussion Suit: Is It a Win For Player Health?
On Thursday, the NFL settled a lawsuit for $765 million with more than 4,500 former players over allegedly hiding known concussion risks .
How Stress Can Make Therapy Sessions More Effective
Therapy is all about learning how to cope and manage difficult situations better, but sessions may not always equip patients with the practical tools they need to face challenges when they occur.
Happy Left-Handers’ Day! What Science Says About Handedness
It’s a day to celebrate the 10% who always feel they’re being elbowed out by the other 90%
Hand Gestures Could Make Kids Smarter
Using hand gestures may be important for more than just making a point; they could help children to learn.
Reading the Brain: FDA Approves First Scan for Diagnosing ADHD
It’s the first test to diagnose the behavioral disorder using brain wave patterns, but it won’t be the last. The idea of reading the brain’s activity for clues to mental illness is gaining ground.
Today’s 90 Year Olds Are Mentally Sharper Than Their Predecessors
Worried that living longer will mean living longer with mental and physical disabilities? Your worries may be over.
Brain Scans Could Become EKGs for Mental Disorders
If EKGs can detect potential problems in heart function, then doctors are asking why brain scans can’t be used in the same way, to identify disorders like depression, autism or schizophrenia.
Unique Brain Pattern Could Predict Autism in Youngest Children
Genetic changes are almost certainly behind many cases of autism, and the latest research suggests that some of those alterations may be contributing to more densely connected networks of brain nerves.