
How Much Happiness Can Money Buy? About $75,000 Worth

People say money doesn’t make you happy. Except, according to a new study by Princeton University researchers, it actually sort of does — at least up to about $75,000 a year. In an article published on Time.com on Monday, Belinda Luscombe reports: “The lower a person’s income falls below that benchmark, the unhappier he or she

Our Basic Needs: Food, Shelter and… Telling Bed-time Stories?

You may remember Abraham Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs. The popular pyramid (first published in 1943 and still a regular fixture in classrooms and corporate teambuilding exercises) puts forth a basic argument about humans psychology: that we satisfy our needs in a well-defined order. First come the basic bodily needs, things like …

Global poll: can money buy happiness?

A new Gallup poll of more than 136,000 people from 132 countries around the world and a broad range of ethnic and economic backgrounds finds that, while people generally associated having more money with a greater satisfaction with their overall quality of life, when researchers focused on other measures of happiness — day to day

Grinning for a longer life?

Previous research has found that people who generally have more positive emotions tend to experience a broad range of benefits—more stable marriages, better social skills and just greater happiness overall—compared with those who are more dominated by negative emotions. One measurement that researchers use when assessing emotions is

Why a good mood may make you more adventurous

When you’re in a bad mood, the comfort of your home, pajamas and couch is often most appealing. Yet, when you’re feeling a bit sunnier, you might be more likely to venture out and explore the world around you. New research published in the journal Psychological Science sheds light on what is it about feeling grumpy that might make us

Do flexible work conditions make healthier employees?

Much time and effort has been dedicated to researching the mental health benefits of flexible work environments, but can the ability to leave work early to watch your son’s soccer game, or arrive at the office a bit later in the morning in order to see to some personal errands, have broader physical health benefits beyond making you feel

Is it really always better on holiday?

Vacation is always something you look forward to—dreaming of sandy toes, sunscreen and sleeping in as you plod through those final days of work before the holiday starts. Yet, according to a new study from a team of Dutch researchers, it may be the anticipation that makes us happiest. In an analysis of 1,530 people, 974 of whom took a

Reading Swimsuit Issues “For the Articles”

Men really believe they read Playboy for the articles (although internet porn doesn’t even offer that excuse)—at least according to fascinating new research published as a working paper by Harvard Business School [hat tip: Economist]. The study sheds light on how people rationalize embarrassing or otherwise questionable behavior …

Internet Net Plus for Social Life, Doesn’t Increase Isolation

The internet and cell phones are bringing people together, not tearing us apart—at least, according to a new survey released today by the Pew Internet and American Life project. The research followed up a shocking 2006 study, which found that American social networks were rapidly contracting and that 25% of Americans reported that …

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