The evolutionary link between acquiring good information and survival may have given rise to both consciousness and the pleasure of problem-solving
‘Mind Reading’
Treating Addiction: A Top Doc Explains Why Kind Love Beats Tough Love
Using punishment to try to rehabilitate people who have already suffered years of punishment doesn’t work
Why Humans Have Color Vision, and Other Qs & As with Neuroscientist Mark Changizi
Why do humans see in color? According to neuroscientist Mark Changizi, who left academia to run a research institute called 2Ai, it’s so that we could read the emotions of others. In his book, Harnessed, published last summer, …
Q&A: Why Superstition and ‘Magical Thinking’ Have Real Benefits
Can superstitious beliefs — like having a lucky outfit, avoiding black cats or knocking on wood — actually be useful?
Q&A: How a Little Exercise Brings Big Benefits
New York Times columnist and author Gretchen Reynolds explains in her new book why you don’t need to train for a marathon to benefit from exercise. And she sings the praises of “fartleking.” What’s that? Read on.
Can You Learn to Play an Instrument at 40? Q&A with Psychologist Gary Marcus
Have you got zero musical talent, but a burning desire to play? NYU psychologist Marcus says there’s hope for everyone.
Getting Past Your Past: Q&A with Therapist Francine Shapiro
In a new self-help book, Shapiro offers instruction for dealing with negative emotions by using a tried-and-true therapy for PTSD.
Q&A: Psychiatrist Dr. David Healy Defines ‘Pharmageddon’
A Q&A with the author of Pharmageddon about how the pharmaceutical industry has co-opted medicine.
Q&A: Are You Just the Sum of Your Brain’s Connections?
Sebastian Seung, professor of computational neuroscience and physics at MIT and author of the new book, Connectome, argues that you are.
Q&A: Charles DuHigg on Changing Your Habits
They mostly operate below the level of consciousness, but everyday habits and routines govern a surprisingly large portion of our behavior, according to Charles DuHigg, author of The Power of Habit.
Q&A: Q&A with Susan Cain on the Power of Introverts
Are you the quiet, retiring type? You’re not alone. To find out more, read TIME’s cover story, “The Upside of Being an Introvert,” available to subscribers here.
Q&A: Jon Kabat-Zinn Talks About Bringing Mindfulness Meditation to Medicine
Meditation isn’t just for hippies any more. And it’s not all about saying ommmm
Q&A: What We Can Learn From the Dutch About Teen Sex
(Updated) Teen birth rates are eight times higher in the U.S. than in Holland. Abortion rates are twice as high. The American AIDS rate is three times greater than that of the Dutch. What are they doing right that we’re not?