Simply walking through a sketchy-looking neighborhood can make you feel more paranoid and lower your trust in others.
Social Connection
How Facebook Contributes To Eating Disorders
It’s all in the photos
Watch Teen Boys Talk About Sex, Loyalty, and Friendship
The teenage co-editors of a new book about boys’ social dynamics talk about what they aren’t telling the adults in their lives with author Rosalind Wiseman
Addicted to the Internet? There’s a Hospital-based Treatment for That
Does internet addiction warrant full-fledged in-patient rehab— or are there better ways to manage your Angry Birds and email-checking obsessions?
How to Make the Most of Your Lunch Hour
Should you grab a bite at your desk or eat with your colleagues? That depends on what’s on your agenda for the rest of the day.
Social Isolation Leads to Risky Financial Decisions
If you feel like you can’t make friends, you might try to buy them, new research suggests, even if it takes some considerable financial risk.
Feeling Stressed? Then You May Become More Helpful
How did your friend get you to babysit her kids for the weekend, or your sister talk you into hosting the next book club meeting? They probably asked when you were anxious about a work project or stressed about making an …
Breast-Fed Babies Achieve Higher Social Status
Studies suggest that breast-feeding can be good for a baby’s health, and now there’s fresh evidence that it may help children to climb the social ladder as well.
How Money Makes You Lie and Cheat
Money corrupts, they say, and now there’s a study that shows why people get so sneaky when it comes to making a profit.
Your Brain on Laughter
Are they laughing at you or laughing with you? Your brain can tell the difference.
The Biology of Kindness: How It Makes Us Happier and Healthier
There’s a reason why being kind to others is good for you — and it can now be traced to a specific nerve.
Social Isolation, Not Just Feeling Lonely, May Shorten Lives
Feeling lonely seems to go hand in hand with being isolated, but there’s a difference, according to a growing body of research.
Trust: Is It All in the Eyes?
Possibly, but it’s not about shiftiness. How eye color and face shape help us judge trustworthiness