Religion can be a source of comfort that improves well-being. But some kinds of religiosity could be a sign of deeper mental …
Strongest Study Yet Shows Meditation Can Lower Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Most doctors say meditation can’t hurt you, but now there’s reassuring evidence that it may help you as well when it comes to warding off disease.
Dr. Oz: How to Overcome ‘Emotional Inertia’ and Change Your Life
Making changes in your life means not just recognizing how important — even lifesaving — they can be, but having the courage to take action. Here’s how you can get unstuck
Blessed Are the Sleek? Why God Wants You to Be Thin
Megapastor and bestselling author Rick Warren believes he has an answer to America’s obesity epidemic — and it lies in the Book of Daniel. (The full story appears in this week’s issue of TIME, available to subscribers here.)
The Book of Daniel: Is It Really About Diet?
Why an ancient Jewish scripture has led 15,000 members of a modern megachurch to lose megaweight.
Losing Your Religion? Analytic Thinking Weakens Religious Belief
Most of the world’s population believes in God, or gods, but alongside them there are also hundreds of millions of nonbelievers. What makes one a believer or not?
Mt. Rainier Shooting: Why Guns and National Parks Don’t Mix
National Parks are havens for nature-lovers and those seeking some peace. But after the tragic shooting death of a Mt. Rainier ranger, many continue to question whether guns belong in the parks
‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term
The psychedelic drug in magic mushrooms may have lasting medical and spiritual benefits, according to new research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Explaining the Healing Power of Prayer
Why does prayer help people through hard times? To find out, a graduate student in sociology at University of Wisconsin-Madison interviewed 62 women who were the victims of partner violence.
Which College Majors Are Most Religious?
On average, Americans who study education or business become more religious while at college, while students in humanities and social sciences become less religious.