If you’ve visited the doctor or a hospital recently, you can’t help but notice how much of your care depends on some form of electronic information exchange. From the prescription your doctor writes to the chart she consults, …
Health Reform
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Health Reform
Still not clear on the ins and outs of the Affordable Care Act? Here’s an easy tipsheet to help you get the most benefit out of health reform in 2011.
Confused About Health Reform? Help Is Here
On the whole, Americans don’t understand the Affordable Care Act (ACA) very well. After the jump, some proof of the confusion, as well as a helpful — and adorable — video tutorial that might help clear some things up.
Meet the Man Behind Health Care Reform
If you’ve heard of Donald Berwick, the new chief of Medicare and Medicaid, chances are good that what you’ve heard has been pretty scary. Charges levels by Republicans critical of the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) include: He wants to create a British-style health care in the U.S.! He wants to ration care! He has secret ambitions to …
Does Prevention Really Cut Health-Care Costs?
If you’ve been trying to follow the debate over U.S. health-care reform, you might be confused about whether Obama’s plan is really going to cut costs, how much it will save, and how on earth there can be so much debate over what seems like accounting. At the heart of this issue, however, is the question of prevention: Can prevention …