Time 100 honoree Kathy Giusti explains how multiple myeloma patients’ expected lifespan has doubled from what it was 16 years ago
Why It’s Still a Big Deal If Your Teen Smokes Pot
With the president coming out in favor of legalization, parents are wondering whether telling their kids not to use marijuana is futile. But some sobering data about the effects of pot on developing brains can help make the case.
Cancer Survivor: To Fight Is to Live
If you aren’t interested in Lisa Adams’ 160,000 posts about her cancer, by all means go back to your cat photos. It’s a big web.
A Mom’s Work-Life Dilemma: Making the Case for a Messy House
I want my house to be messier. Well, at least a little.
Viewpoint: The Search for the Real Numbers Behind Marijuana Use
Where two major columnists— David Brooks of the New York Times and Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post— went wrong when they weighed in on the debate over legalizing marijuana.
Jay-Z and Beyoncé Are Vegan! Why You Shouldn’t Follow Their Lead
The 22-day diet doesn’t do much to promote veganism’s ideals — or your health
Us and Them: A Medical Student Reflects on the Doctor-Patient Divide
It’s a fine line that divides the healer and the sick — and learning to walk it will be one of my greatest challenges in becoming a doctor.
Forget Adam Levine: A New Dating App Reveals What Women Really Think is Sexy
Give Parents a Break: Making the Case for Supervised Teen Drinking
You couldn’t blame Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler if he poured himself a stiff drink this week.
Viewpoint: How Marijuana Decision Could Signal Turning Point in the U.S. War on Drugs
The war on drugs may have ended today.
Viewpoint: How the Drug Treatment System Failed Cory Monteith
The Vancouver coroner’s office revealed that “Glee” star Cory Monteith died of a toxic mixture of alcohol and heroin, weeks after leaving rehab for substance misuse. His death highlights the dangers of the post-rehab period, and …
Viewpoint: U.N. Admits Drug War Is ‘Floundering,’ but Is Regulating Recreational Drugs the Answer?
As the DEA reported its largest-ever bust of synthetic-drug dealers and manufacturers, the U.N. admitted that its law-enforcement efforts to contain illegal drugs have largely failed.
The Paradox of the Doctor-Patient Relationship: A Medical Student’s View
Doctors are privy to — but not really part of — patients’ most private moments