Welcome back to the podcast. Click the play button below to listen immediately, or click here to subscribe for free on iTunes.
John (@JohnAshleyCloud) is back in the hosting chair this week. Belinda Luscombe (@youseless) is (finally!) back as well. She brings fascinating news from Australia that research on coral could lead to a pill form of sunscreen.
Our intrepid Healthland editor Sora Song (@sora_song) begins the podcast this week with the debate over whether being perceived as unattractive is grounds for a civil-rights claim. (Read contributor Maia Szalavitz’s story on the issue here.)
John mentioned his new story on neutraceuticals and also a recent paper from the journal Addiction on “the licensing effect,” the reason you allow yourself a brownie after going for a run in the morning.
Please comment on any of these topics below. We check in regularly.
See you next week!