Is Online Gaming Messing Up Your Marriage?
Video gaming can impact marital satisfaction by upending the routines of daily life. But for those couples in which both partners play, it may not be such a bad thing
Video gaming can impact marital satisfaction by upending the routines of daily life. But for those couples in which both partners play, it may not be such a bad thing
Sinus infections are drippy and painful — an all-around headache, quite literally. When symptoms arise, patients often rush to the doctor for a prescription, usually an antibiotic, to put an end to the suffering.
Your favorite shade of Marilyn Monroe red may contain lead, according to a recently updated test of lipstick by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Passing on a second helping of dessert may not only maintain your waistline but also your memory.
Dad may be credited with more than just your facial features. A new study suggests that heart disease risk may be passed from father to son.
Walmart announced this week that it will highlight healthy foods in stores with bright green “Great For You” labels.
Pneumonia is the most common cause of death among children under 5, but a new study finds that there may be a cheap and easy way to increase kids’ survival: zinc.