New Study Suggests Removing Ovaries For Some Women
Women with a certain mutation could lower their risk of cancer by removing ovaries
Women with a certain mutation could lower their risk of cancer by removing ovaries
Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy or birth control are factors in the third leading cause of death for females, the American Heart Association reports
The couple visited the emergency room in August to receive treatment. The sticker shock comes as Americans continue to battle high health care costs following the introduction of the American Care Act
Worldwide, the malaria mortality rate decreased by 45% between 2000 and 2012.
The hookups may be exciting, but they’re ultimately anti-climactic for many women
Deborah Cohan, an obstetrician and gynecologist in San Francisco, took a moment to get pumped up with the surgical team about to operate on her by dancing to Beyonce before her double mastectomy on Tuesday.