Diet & Fitness

A Healthy Rosh Hashanah: A Sweet New Year, Without the Sugar

At sundown Wednesday Jewish families will ring in Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, by feasting on sweet foods like apples and honey, rugelach cookies and round honey cakes. The holiday tradition is that a sweet meal will lead to a sweet new year. So what about the diabetics and health conscious relatives at your table?

The …

Which Low-Carb Diet Is Healthiest?

Many clinical trials (and blockbuster diet plans, from Scarsdale to South Beach to The China Study) have supported the idea that reducing the intake of simple carbohydrates — white breads, pasta, rice and sugar — leads to …

Can Zapping Potatoes Make Them More Nutritious?

Giving potatoes a good soak in a salt water solution doesn’t seem that unusual. But dunking them in such a bath and then zapping them with a jolt of electricity is hardly a conventional culinary trick—even in the name of …

Leafy Greens May Cut Diabetes Risk

In a study of the effects of fruit and veggie intake on diabetes risk, kale and cabbage seem unusually protective.

Researchers writing today in the British Medical Journal found that — in data from six previous studies …

Anxious kids? Let Them Walk to School

A stroll to school in the morning can help kids prep for the stresses that await them in the classroom. They’ll have less severe increases in heart rate and blood pressure when they’re put on the spot, and will feel less anxious about it to boot — or at least that’s the implication from a new study by researchers at the University of …

How Safe is Gulf Seafood?

Some reassuring news from the Institute of Food Technologists on the safety of seafood from the Gulf. Despite the photos of pelicans and turtles drenched in the oil from Deepwater Horizon, seafood from Louisiana, which provides one-third of the continental US’s seafood (that’s about 1.5 billion pounds a year) does not seem to be that …

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