A new study shows that an ‘invisible risk’ group of adolescents—who use tons of media and don’t get enough sleep or exercise—are in danger of serious mental health issues
Family & Parenting
Your Life is Terrible Because You Are a Commuter
At least now you know
Language Skills Improve When Parents Talk to Their Preemies
Attempts to engage babies in conversation led to better language scores
Eating Your Feelings? Your Mom Might Be to Blame
Mothers’ relationships with their own moms can lead to parenting styles that could cause their kids to be obese
The Real Damage Bullying Coaches Can Inflict on Kids
The controversial youth football reality show, Friday Night Tykes, ignites a conversation about the need for nurturing, inspiring adults in sports leadership
Don’t Dump Your Midwife
For mothers opting for a natural birth, the comforts of home can be deadly
NSAIDs Don’t Increase Miscarriage Risk
Studies have suggested the painkilling drugs could endanger pregnancies, but the latest research is more reassuring
Study: Abortions Drop to Lowest Rate Since 1970s
Authors say legislation intended to restrict abortions is not the reason for the drop
What Women Still Don’t Know About Getting Pregnant
As surprising as it seems, about half of women of reproductive age have not talked to their health care provider about their reproductive health, according to a new study.
U.S. Sperm Donor Told to Pay Child Support
Man who answered ad placed by lesbian couple must now fork out
‘Confessions Of A Funeral Director’ is a Blog You Totally Must Read
In Caleb Wilde, the social media generation has a bereavement professional it can actually relate to
Scientists Invent a ‘Machine’ That Helps Women Get Promoted
Researchers reveal how women can be tricked into overcoming their anxiety around touting their own achievements, but there’s a catch
In Defense of Kids and Parenting: They Can Be Amazing (If That’s What You Want)
There’s a battle going on between the childs and the child-frees, and parenting seems to be getting a bad rap.