Newborns cry in native tongue

Though she is nestled safely in the womb, your baby is already listening to you by the last trimester of pregnancy. At birth, according to new research, infants have already picked up their parents’ “accents,” – and these can be distinguished by listening to the way their cries rise and fall in pitch.

The research examined 60 …

Green tea’s promise of cancer prevention grows

Green tea may be considered a little woo-woo by some mainstream cancer experts but the popular beverage continues to creep toward credibility as a weapon against many forms of the disease. The best studies to date hint that green tea may help ward off cancers of the breast and prostate. And this week oral cancer came one step closer to …

FDA Announces New Effort to Fight Drug Errors, Surgical Fires

Around 1.5 million preventable medication errors occur in the American health system each year at a cost of over $4 billion annually, according to a new report released yesterday by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The report’s release marks the start of a new effort to reduce those numbers.

The FDA’s “Safe Use” …

Downward Dog Fights Eating Disorders

Yoga for teens could be more than a spiritual and physical boost—a new randomized controlled trial suggests that it may help those with anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders.

The study included 50 adolescents aged 11-16, the vast majority of whom were girls. They were seriously ill. Nearly half had previously been …

Breast cancer survivors: Time to pump it up

Breast cancer surgeons have long wagged their fingers at patients warning them never to lift anything over 15 pounds, especially if lymph nodes were taken during surgery. Well, for any woman with a child (or groceries for that matter) the limitation is annoying at best, disempowering at worst.

That advice was rooted in the fear that …

Healthy Sleep: New Research on Memory, Fat, Golf

With this week’s “fall back,”—giving us a blissful extra hour—sleep and its role in health is on a lot of minds. New research is showing how varied sleep’s influence is on virtually every aspect of life—from memory to obesity to improving your golf game.

One study, just published in the Proceedings of the National …

Lozenge/Patch Combo Best for Kicking Butts

Smokers are more than twice as likely to quit if they use the nicotine patch along with nicotine lozenges—compared to lozenges or patches alone, buproprion (Xyban), buproprion plus the lozenges or placebo. The trial was the largest study ever to compare these approaches head to head, and included 1,504 smokers.

All of the treatment …

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