
Coffee and tea may lower diabetes risk

People who drink three or four cups of coffee per day have an approximately 25% lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who drink two cups or fewer, according to an analysis of previous research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Researchers analyzed data from 18 different studies involving more than

Need to sober up? Coffee won’t help

Despite the widely held belief that coffee can help speed the sobering process, in a new study of mice, researchers confirm what many physicians have already known—drinking coffee when you’re inebriated doesn’t make you sober, it just makes you drunk and awake. And that is an extraordinarily dangerous combination, researchers say,

Prostate cancer research: exercise and coffee

Preliminary research presented this week at the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research conference in Houston, reveals promising findings about the role that exercise and coffee could play in the fight against prostate cancer. An analysis of activity levels among 2,686 prostate cancer patients showed that men who jogged, played tennis or

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