The effect of paternal age on autism, schizophrenia, and ADHD may be greater than previously thought
New Genes Connected to Eating Disorders
Two families affected by anorexia and bulimia shed light on the genetic contributors to eating disorders.
Company Patents First Designer Baby Maker. Now What?
Ethicists are concerned couples will start picking donors based on certain traits.
Left-Handed? That May Have Happened in the Womb
According to conventional wisdom, babies are born with the ability to be right or left handed. But it turns out that handedness is decided well before birth.
The Beer-Smell Gene and Other Ways DNA Drives Our Senses
Beer smells like beer and a violet smells like a violet to everyone, right? Maybe not, according to the latest study that traced the way we smell to differences in our genes.
Single Genetic Glitch May Explain Most Allergies and Asthma
Allergies are certainly the result of both genetic and environmental factors, but there is fresh evidence to suggest that at least one major genetic aberration could be behind everything from hay fever to food allergies to asthma.
New Genes IDd in Obesity: How Much of Weight is Genetic?
Two studies zero in on DNA-based drivers of weight. Is obesity written in our genes?
Relax: It’s Good for Your Genes
While it might seem that your body and brain aren’t doing much when you’re on break, relaxing triggers a flurry of genetic activity that is responsible for some important health benefits.
Genetic Markers May Predict Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s
Several proteins are linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and scientists now believe they have found the pathways responsible for producing these compounds.
Cancer Dream Teams: Road to a Cure?
Group-think is that latest trend in cancer research. This week’s cover story, available to subscribers, explains why such team efforts are becoming a necessity, and why it hasn’t always been this way.
Most Common Psychiatric Disorders Share Genetic Roots
Diverse mental illnesses may actually represent variations on a common theme rather than separate disorders.

What’s Making Adam Sick? A Contest to Sequence Three Kids’ Genomes
Researchers hope the contest will finally provide long-awaited answers for three ill children

What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Your DNA
The test results were crystal clear, and still the doctors didn’t know what to do. A sick baby whose genome was analyzed at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia turned out to possess a genetic mutation that indicated …