Does your mind go blank every time the boss calls your name in a big meeting? Ever bombed a test you spent weeks studying for, or botched a simple play that cost your team the game? If so, University of Chicago psychologist Sian Beilock, author of the new book Choke, feels your pain.
Don’t Choke: 5 Tips for Performing Under Pressure
Teo Lannie / Getty Images
Does your mind go blank every time the boss calls your name in a big meeting? Ever bombed a test you spent weeks studying for, or botched a simple play that cost your team the game? If so, University of Chicago psychologist Sian Beilock feels your pain. Her new book Choke, which is based on her own studies as well as research by other cognitive scientists around the globe, explains why stress causes us to screw up. Following are five of Beilock's best tips on how not to crumple under pressure—no matter how nervous you might feel.