What better way to start a new year than with a new baby on the way? Here are five unconventional gift ideas for the new or soon-to-be mom. Get ’em for yourself, or for a friend.
5 Things for the New Mom Who Has Everything
Pregnant women are a sentimental lot. They hang on to grainy ultrasound pictures in which their developing babies are indistinguishable from aliens, save for a thoughtful ultrasound tech's labels: "knee" or "thumb-sucker." It's one thing to keep a glossy black-and-white sonogram printout, but it's quite another to hang on to a pee-saturated strip of paper or plastic wand. Yet, apparently, 67% of expectant moms do just that, saving their at-home pregnancy tests, according to a study commissioned by pregnancy test manufacturer e.p.t. Even more women — 77% — indicated they'd preserve their tests if only they had a special place to keep them. Whaddayaknow? There's now a special keepsake case made by — surprise! — e.p.t. that safely ensconces the results of your game-changing chemical exam. Available free with a mail-in proof of purchase, the violet pouch is emblazoned with the following phrase: "Remember the moment you knew." Beats a Ziploc baggie, I guess. Next: It's a Boy! Prepare to Get Wet SPECIAL REPORT: See Healthland's Full Guide to Life in 2011