Nutritionists extol leafy greens as a key part of any healthy diet. Spinach, for example, is good for muscle efficiency and is associated with lowered risks for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Spinach may have “beautifying” components as well: in 2011, researchers found that people who ate foods high in carotenoids — like spinach — had a particularly healthy and attractive glow. “If you want a healthier and more attractive skin color, you are better off eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables than lying in the sun,” said the study’s author Dr. Ian Stephen of the School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus.
The good news is that you can reap the same nutritious benefits from canned spinach as you can from fresh, for less money. Kapica found that canned spinach not only has a lower per-serving cost than fresh or frozen, but it also offers a high content of vitamin C at an 85% savings.
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